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Todd Rundgren And Friends Played Beatle Music Plus Their Own At Packard

It Was Fifty Years Ago Today

It Was Fifty Years Ago Today

Todd Rundgren

Todd Rundgren

Denny Laine

Denny Laine

Joey Molland

Joey Molland

Jason Scheff

Jason Scheff

Christopher Cross

Christopher Cross

Steve Ferrone

Steve Ferrone

Denny Laine and Jason Scheff

Denny Laine and Jason Scheff

Christopher Cross

Christopher Cross

Todd Rundgren

Todd Rundgren

Jason Scheff

Jason Scheff

Jason and Todd Rundgren

Jason and Todd Rundgren

Denny Laine and Joey Molland

Denny Laine and Joey Molland



Todd Rundgren

Todd Rundgren

Denny, Jason and Todd

Denny, Jason and Todd

Steve Feronne

Steve Feronne

It Was Fifty Years Ago Today

It Was Fifty Years Ago Today

Joey, Denny, Jason and Todd

Joey, Denny, Jason and Todd

Denny Laine

Denny Laine

June 7, 2022


A few years ago, Todd Rundgren got some of his friends together to celebrate The Beatles White Album.  It was such a success that he decided to bring more friends out to celebrate Rubber Soul and Revolver this year.  


The It Was Fifty Years Ago Today tour featuring Rundgren, Denny Laine (Wings), Joey Molland (Badfinger), Christopher Cross and Jason Scheff (Chicago) made a stop at Packard Music Hall on Monday night.  As an added surprise, Steve Ferrone, drummer for The Heartbreakers was behind the kit all night.


What a night of great music played by world class musicians.


The show kicked off with all five headliners on stage, playing "Drive My Car."  


As would be the case through out the night, different members of this super-group would sing lead while the others would sing back up or leave the stage.


After five consecutive Beatles songs that included "I Want To Tell You," "Taxman" and "Eleanor Rigby,"  Denny Laine sat behind one of the keyboards and launched into "Go Now."  The first hit that he sang on as a member of The Moody Blues in 1964.  He then strapped his guitar back on and took center stage to sing an excellent version of "Band On The Run" with Christopher Cross.


It was then Joey Molland's turn to take center stage and lead the group on a couple of Badfinger numbers, "No Matter What" and "Baby Blue."


"Good Day Sunshine" saw Jason Scheff take over on lead vocals and then Todd Rungren played an outstanding rendition of "In My Life."


Christopher Cross got to take the spotlight on his two biggest hits, "Sailing" and "Ride Like The Wind" before the twenty minute intermission.


The second half started just like the first which included a handful of Beatles tunes like "Here, There and Everywhere," "Michelle," and "Norwegian Wood."


Now it was Jason Scheff's turn to sit behind the keyboard and sing "Hard to Say I'm Sorry."  Afterwards, just like Denny Laine, he took center stage and proceeded to tear down the house with a rousing version of Chicago's "25 or 6 to 4."


A few more Beatles tunes were played and then it was Todd's turn to be in the spotlight.  I thought it would be tough to top Scheff's performance but anywhere in northeastern Ohio is Rundgren country.  With the familiar chords of "I Saw The Light" blasting through the speakers, everyone was singing and swaying along.  "Hello It's Me" saw a very animated Rundgren go back and forth across the stage, interacting with the audience.


The show came to a close with a few more Beatles tunes that featured "Got to Get You Into My Life" by Scheff and a very psychedelic version of "Tomorrow Never Knows" sung by Rundgren.


The show closed with everyone on stage and in the stands singing "Yellow Submarine."


What a great way to end the evening of fantastic music played by live musicians!



Review and photos by Greg Drugan
















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