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Lee Rocker 
Brought A Great
Rockabilly Show
To Music Box

Lee Roacker

Lee Roacker

Lee Rocker Band

Lee Rocker Band

Lee Rocker Band

Lee Rocker Band

Lee Rocker

Lee Rocker

Lee Rocker

Lee Rocker

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Lee Rocker Band

Lee Rocker Band

Lee Rocker

Lee Rocker

Lee Rocker

Lee Rocker

Lee Rocker

Lee Rocker

November 13, 2023


Stray Cats bassist, Lee Rocker brought his rockin' All-Star Band to the Music Box Supper Club for a night of rockabilly, rock and roll and Stray Cats tunes.  It was one of the most fun shows of the year. 


Rocker mentioned that the Stray Cats will be touring next summer and they will be stopping in Ohio.


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