The Almost
The Grog Shop
The Almost's first tour since 2014 made a stop in town on Friday night at the legendary Grog Shop. The Almost is the side-project of Underoath’s drummer/ vocalist Aaron Gillespie. The tour is going by the moniker “If I Believed You,” at which the band’s debut album Southern Weather was advertised as being play in its entirety.
The show opened with the title track of the fore mentioned album. The band played with a backing of green string lights and the stage was set to appear as if it was lifted from the cover art of the album the band told the fans they’d be playing in its entirety. Quickly, the crowd was treated to a song from the bands 2019 offering, Fear Caller. That would be the basis of the 12-song set, “one old song, one new song” said Aaron before playing “I Won’t Miss.”
The crowd was alive during the seven songs from Southern Weather and while they didn’t know the newest material quite as well, it was still a lively crowd. Aaron’s voice sounded strong and the band played a fun, loose set. He remarked to the crowd the weirdest thing he’s heard on this tour was a girl yelling: “You’ve still got it!” and he remarked later in the evening he’s “been doing this a long time now,” which is true considering between Underoath, The Almost and a solo project, Aaron has been on the road for the better part of twenty years now and that isn’t lost on him. He gave the fans what they came to see (even if it wasn’t the entire album) and he even gave back by having a pledge to feed hungry children which yielded you a free tee shirt from the merch stand.
The 55-minute performance was capped off by Aaron singing solo and playing his acoustic for “Dirty and Left Out” and “Amazing, Because It Is” which the rowdy crowd was respectful and quite only singing every so lowly.
The slew of openers included All Get Out with an excitable 7-song set, Ghost Atlas, and Rowdy pulling double duty as he played second and then later with Aaron. Local band Ledges took the stage first.
Review by Troy Smith
Photo Credit: michaelandrewl